How bad is the word, “bitch”? [closed]

In american English and among certain groups of young people it is possible to call a friend a bitch and get away with it, provided this is done in a "friendly" manner which gives away that the locutor isn't really mad, not really full of hatred, but rather amused, wondering, etc. at the behaviour that is the cause for this pseudo-insult. But that is very exceptional; in particular, if the locutor calls his/her mother a bitch, this "friendly" manner will not at all be interpreted favourably; the respect due to a mother or any other relative forbids strictly such language in speaking to them, although if speaking to a sister or a cousin it becomes possible (in this "friendly" manner). It is otherwise a very offensive word that will result in much anger.

In my experience it is very insulting. Technically - and neutrally - it refers to the female of a species, but to apply it to a human suggests unflatteringly that the woman is merely animal. I have seen it in the context of sexual encounters where the two partners enjoy their mutual reduction to animality, but in most contexts it is insulting and should be used with great care.