Meaning of ‘feminista’ as used by Josh Lyman in The West Wing?

In Season 1, Episode 03 of The West Wing, Josh Lymann calls CJ Cregg a ‘feminista’ at 4’01”:

You know what? I think I’m really the best judge of what I mean, you paranoid Berkley shiksa feminista!

Does the word have a specific connotation or meaning that ‘feminist’ does not have, as used by Josh or in general? Why might have Josh used this word in particular?

Solution 1:

In the context of the times when that series aired, feminista was a mildly derogatory take on feminist. It's a portmanteau of feminist and terms like 'Sandinista' that carry radical leftist baggage.

The Josh character was not being as nasty as that description might sound, rather more sarcastic than really biting.