Word for a small space/dwelling that is much larger on the inside than it appears from the exterior

I'm searching for a rare word that means a small space/dwelling that is much larger on the inside than it appears from the exterior. It has been in 2 stories I know of:

  • shown as a magical tent: Ali Baba and The 40 Thieves,
  • and most recently in the Harry Potter movies as Weasley's tent at the Quidditch World Cup. Perkin's tent / harrypotter.wikia.com.

Now accepted into the lexicon, and deriving from the Doctor Who example (I saw the first episode in 1963):

Tardis noun


2A building or container that is larger inside than it appears to be from outside.

Example sentences:

‘It's a bit of a Tardis – two townhouses knocked together, with a long gallery at the back where the garden used to be.’

‘Stretching away at the back of the house – like the rural equivalent of a Tardis – are 17 acres of land.’

‘Though the building looks very spacious from the outside, the staff have dubbed it the Tardis in reverse, as the interior is more compact than you would imagine.’

‘The experimental house has been compared to a Tardis.’

‘The mind is like a Tardis, far bigger on the inside that it appears on the outside.’