Need a word similar to two-faced, for when a person or group does something Patriotic, but not for love of country, rather for personal gain?

Solution 1:

Trumpery Etymonline:

mid-15c., "deceit, trickery," from Middle French tromperie (14c.), from tromper "to deceive," of uncertain origin (see trump (v.2), which has influenced the spelling in English). Meaning "showy but worthless finery" is first recorded c. 1600.

Solution 2:

I suggest opportunistic, that is someone who:

exploits opportunities with little regard to principle.


Solution 3:

showy patriotism/ showy displays of patriotism - is popular on Google

false-faced patriotism



or (my new favorite find):

pecksniffian/pecksniffery. Noun. (uncountable) unctuous, hypocritical or sanctimonious behaviour.

Solution 4:

There is definitely a vein of sanctimoniousness here. Sanctimonious behavior is usually about the show or performance which conveys noble intent, rather than the true underlying motivation. From Merriam Webster's unabridged: hypocritically devout : displaying high-mindedness with intent to impress . I would use it as an adjective to qualify the patriotic displays you're talking about.