"Get out of your own head"

Get out of your own head

How do I get out of my own head.

Kindly explain this idiom!

More context would help.

I interpret it to mean, Stop looking at things from such a self-centered point of view. Look at the whole picture. It's not all about you.

For instance, if one were continually upset by minor rudeness from others, a way to get out of your own head is to stop focusing on your own hurt feelings but instead to consider what difficulties the other person struggles with, which will help you to overlook the petty rudeness and instead have compassion for the other person, even thinking of ways to encourage them and/or lessen their burdens.

The way I have heard this phrase being used, it was meant to say "stop thinking/worrying too much about a particular thing, or about things in general", "get over (thinking about) something", or "enough introspection already, now go out and play".