Channel Writer requiring Task.Delay and not processing all messages

Solution 1:

Task.WhenAll(Task.Run(() => StartListener()));

StartListener returns a Task. You wrap that in Task.Run, starting another thread to run that task. You then pass than task to the Task.WhenAll method, which returns a Task that you promptly throw away.

The only tasks you add to the taskList variable are the StartJob tasks. Your Main method will finish as soon as all of the StartJob tasks have finished. It will not wait for the StartListener task to finish.

Change your code to wait for the listener to finish.

static void Main(string[] args)
    Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
    taskList.Add(Task.Run(() => StartListener()));
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        int task = i;
        taskList.Add(Task.Run(() => StartJob(task)));

     Console.WriteLine("Total Messages Processed: {0} in time {1} MessageListCount {2}", 
        midpointCount, sw.Elapsed, messageList.Reader.Count);