Returning elements in array that appear after a certain word

I would like to return all elements in array that appear after a certain word

For example given the string

let testPattern = '<name>ladder</name><prx>112</prx><qty>12</qty><name>ladder</name><prx>200</prx>'

I would get the output

['ladder', 'prx: 112', 'qty: 12', 'ladder', 'prx: 200']

This is the code I have

const result = testPattern
    .map(val => val.replace(/<(\w+)\>(.*)\<\/\1\>/g, '$1: $2')

This is what I get

[ 'ladder', '12', '2', 'ladder' ,'00']

Where am I going wrong

While you could do this with a regular expression, parsing the XML would make more sense.

let testPattern = '<name>ladder</name><prx>112</prx><qty>12</qty><name>ladder</name><prx>200</prx>';
const doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(testPattern, 'text/html');
const arr = [...doc.body.children].map(
  child => child.nodeName === 'NAME' ? child.textContent : `${child.nodeName.toLowerCase()}: ${child.textContent}`

It's not actually HTML, but it still works.