How can I use Font Awesome in Photoshop and Fireworks?

So I downloaded Font Awesome and installed the font. Now I'd like to use this font in my designs in Photoshop and Fireworks.

How would I do that?

I found a solution that works for me. Just download and install the font from Font Awesome website. Then, use the Font Awesome Cheatsheet to copy and paste the icons in Photoshop and Fireworks. (or Illustrator or whatever you'd like to use)

Works perfectly!

This worked for me.

  1. Download FontAwesome from
  2. Copy font files from "font-awesome/font" to your computer font directory (For Mac: Applications/Font Book)
  3. Select and copy desired icon from and paste in photoshop with FontAwesome font family selected.

All these answers are right, but they're all missing one detail. Here's what to do:

  1. If you have an old version of FontAwesome, uninstall it from your computer.
  2. Download and install FontAwesome ( - big yellow Download button at the top)
  3. Go to the FontAwesome Cheat Sheet (
  4. Double-click and copy the actual icon you want to use (none of the text or unicode).
  5. In Photoshop, select the text tool, click in your document to create a text layer, and then paste your icon.

I spent forever using the Move Tool (the default cursor) and trying to paste while in that tool. It doesn't work. You have to create a text layer and paste in there.