Is there a way to get the complete zone file for a domain without contacting its host?

You can try to initiate a zone transfer.

You are right though, no sanely configured DNS server should still allow this nowadays. Not just because as a zone admin you don't want to expose your internals but also because AXFR responses are way bigger than the queries, so they prove to be an excellent way for DoS reflection attacks as a <100 bytes spoofable UDP package can make a server send multiple KB of response to any machine on the internet.

If you still want to try:

In the nslookup utility, you can use ls [name of domain] to get the zone information.

And if you prefer dig, then you can use

dig -t AXFR

Though as I said, it probably won't work for you.

I'm not sure if this is exactly what you're looking for however solved my problem of wanting to see all the DNS records in the Zone file on a given nameserver:

Since your usual DNS queries are non-wildcard, your only options are:

  • ask politely for the whole list (aka zone transfer or call the admins - i.e. that what you wanted to avoid)
  • settle for an incomplete list

Hacking the server and just getting the config file usually is not an option, neither is eavesdropping on the zone transfers to the secondary/backup servers. Apart from those, there is no instance knowing all possible subdomains.

Options for getting incomplete lists:

  • send random queries (aka bruteforce, though you won't get very far - but perhaps some dictionary-style guessing might help you nonetheless)
  • ask google, using the "" filter
  • use your own crawler to follow links, hoping that all subdomains you might be interested in are linked somehow. You'll probably miss, though.

Also keep in mind some zone files do have wildcards themselves, so * might give you the address(es) of a web dispatcher configured to handle,, etc. differently. This works with all protocols which use the hostname not only in the IP-level but also in the application data stream. (e.g. name based virtual hosting for http)

I know this is a dated question, but I located the following website to obtain this information after stumbling across this question/answer: UltraTools Zone File Dump

In my testing, it was able to provide me with the information I required.

I've had a similar demand - to check for a domain transfer capabilities on multiple domains with one shot. I've created a web-based tool that allows a domain list (or URLs list) as an input. Additionally all successful transfers are archived so that You would be able to see if domain zone content changes overtime.

The project is a freeware hosted on github here: Medved

A bit longer descriptipn is available at my blog.

This is how it looks like: enter image description here

Basically You just supply the list of comma-separated list of domains to check and hit a button Analyze. Each domain will have a separate result section with separate tab for each NS server. Green color of server name will indicate a successful transfer. Orange indicate that most probably the TCP port 53 is closed on a remote host (TCP is required for domain transfers). Red server name color indicates that server actively refuses the domain transfers - that means it is properly configured.

The tool has a bit more useful features that are described in detail in the help section:

enter image description here