How to fully uninstall the Cocoapods from the Mac Machine?

I installed Cocoapods version 0.28, and now I want to uninstall it from my machine. How can I do that?

Solution 1:

First, determine which version(s) of Cocoapods you have installed by running this in Terminal:

gem list --local | grep cocoapods

You see output similar to this:

cocoapods (0.27.1, 0.20.2)
cocoapods-core (0.27.1, 0.20.2)
cocoapods-downloader (0.2.0, 0.1.2)

Here, I have two versions of Cocoapods installed.

To completely remove, issue the following commands:

gem uninstall cocoapods
gem uninstall cocoapods-core
gem uninstall cocoapods-downloader

If you have multiple versions installed, like I have, it will prompt you to choice a specific version or all. If you want to uninstall a specific version you can also use the -v switch as follows:

gem uninstall cocoapods -v 0.20.2

Running gem list --local | grep cocoapods again will confirm that Cocoapods has been removed.

You may have residual artefacts in a hidden folder in your home directory. Remove these with:

rm -rf ~/.cocoapods

Solution 2:

I used the following bash script to remove all the relevant gems.

for i in $( gem list --local --no-version | grep cocoapods );
    gem uninstall $i; 

Additionally delete ~/.cocoapods to remove the cache of podspecs.

rm -rf ~/.cocoapods/

Solution 3:

gem list --local | grep cocoapods | awk '{print $1}' | xargs sudo gem uninstall

Solution 4:

Easy, just run the following command to remove all or just a specific cocoapod gem:

sudo gem uninstall cocoapods