When considering titles of scientific papers, why are definite and indefinite articles omitted sometimes? [duplicate]

Solution 1:

A Study of Data Mining Techniques

suggests a description of a study somebody has undertaken, including the results. .

The Study of Data Mining Techniques

suggests a description of how we can study data mining techniques. The subject is not data mining techniques themselves, but rather it is how we can study them. Perhaps you read such a book prior to your own study.

Study of Data Mining Techniques

could very well be taken as synonymous with The Study of Data Mining Techniques.

If your article is about an investigation you have performed into the subject of data mining techniques then it is better to include the indefinite article.

Solution 2:

For a title, "A Study of..." sounds better and Google Books seems to yield many more results for it than for "Study of..."

Book titles:

  • A Study of War
  • A Study of Humor
  • A Study of Maia Art
  • A Study of Creation