Name for gerund + past participle combination

I've noticed that this passive verb construction is especially prevalent in English translations of Scandinavian and German literature. Is there a formal name for it?

Example: Being walked is my dog's favourite activity.

This answer is compiled from some of the initial comments provided:

@BillJ says:

"I'm not aware of a formal name for it. Syntactically, it is 'passive gerund-participial clause' functioning as subject. Like most non-finite clauses, it is subjectless, and in this case it is predicand to the predicative complement "my dog's favourite activity". Since there is no complement of "walked" ( usually a by phrase) it is called a 'short passive'."

@JohnLawler says:

"It's nothing special, just a passive gerund clause (a gerund-participial clause in BillJ's speech group). But German has many more constructions available, because it's still got inflections, and this may be some translators' tradition of "how to translate a <insert name> construction into English". So, as usual, when discussing language, examples are more useful than description."