Need help breaking down this sentence: "I took action to make my plan come to fruition."

So far I have "to make my plan come to fruition" as a subordinate clause, but I'm having trouble defining its components. Is "come to fruition" modifying "plan"? How is the infinitive functioning here?

If anyone can break down the whole sentence that would be super helpful too. Thanks!

Solution 1:

"to make my plan come to fruition"

Consider "I make my plan come to fruition"

I = subject

make = verb

[my plan] – NP = object

come = verb complement (as part of a causative verb structure)

to fruition [preposition + noun = adverbial modifier]

Now with “I make” replaced by “to make”:

To make = in order (subordinating conjunction) to make = infinitive, and the rest remains the same.