Which verb is used to describe a person who is responsible and organising for doing something?

I want to use a verb to describe a person who is responsible for doing something, and the person is also the leader, organizer, or initiator of doing a project or something.

Checking the dictionary, it seems I can't say:

He leads to build this website.

So, my question is that is there any verb to describe the meaning as above? For example:

He [verb] (to) build/building this website.

Feel appreciated for your help.

Solution 1:

A verb that can take on the several meanings expressed in the question is engineer:

1 : to lay out, construct, or manage as an engineer
// engineer a bridge
2 a : to contrive or plan out usually with more or less subtle skill and craft
// engineer a business deal
2 b : to guide the course of
// engineer a rally

Somebody who engineers something is generally somebody who plans or initiates it, and is often also the person who oversees it to completion.

Using this word, the sentence in the question would become the following:

He is engineering this website.

In that sentence, as with most involving engineer, there is no need to also use the verb build; engineer includes the sense of build, so adding it would be redundant.