Would a drinking straw, made out of natural straw, be called a 'straw straw'?

Significant efforts are afoot to reduce plastic waste and one way of doing so is to revert to using natural straws as drinking straws.

This example uses wheat straws but it doesn't matter which plant is used, particularly as the word 'straw' is non-specific (see Cambridge) and can relate to any grain producing a hollow stalk.

So if a non-specific straw is used as a drinking straw can we call it a 'straw straw' ?

Or is there a better description ?

Edit Note : The term 'natural straw' would not be specific to usage as a drinking straw. It could be used for other things. The term 'straw straw' makes clearer both composition and use, I believe.

Solution 1:

A drinking straw made from real straw, in this day and age, could be called:

  • a green straw (but it could also refer to its color)

  • an eco-friendly straw (but it could refer to reusable plastic or glass straws)

  • an organic straw (but that could also mean organic wheat straw)

  • biodegradable straw (but that could mean the plastic is oxo-biodegradable)

  • straw drinking-straw (is probably your best bet)

Solution 2:

The first drinking straws were indeed made from rye stalks cut and cured by farmers who grew the grain anyway, but since the 1880s and before the advent of the plastic version, they were made from waxed Manila paper.

A modern take on a drinking straw made from actual straw does bill itself as a straw straw, but that will likely last only as long as the kickstarter campaign.

No matter the material, people looking for straws in restaurants or supermarkets ask for a straw/straws with no attributive adjective. If one needed to make the distinction, paper, plastic, or natural would probably do the trick. A reduplicated straw straw would initially be amusing until the novelty wore off. Then it would probably seem infantile, like choo choo, no-no, or poo-poo.