What does "tired of her ass" mean? [closed]

Does it mean tired of her or tired of having sex with her?

Solution 1:

Without further context, it is difficult to answer your question. But I'll give it a go.

One possible meaning (the most likely one) is that "her ass" is being used as to refer to "her" as a whole. In other words, the write is saying that he's "tired of her". A part of "her" (her "ass" or bottom) is being used as a stand-in for "her" person as a whole. This is an example of the literary tool known as synecdoche.


Of course, you should note that this is a rather crude and highly informal example.

Another possible meaning is sexual, although this would be an uncommon construction. A more explicit construction where the sexual meaning is overt would be (for instance) "tired of shagging (or banging) that ass".

More context would be very helpful.

Solution 2:

Ordinarily I believe this saying in the U.S is implying "Sick of her" or "Had enough of her".