What does "conditionalities" mean in this article from The Hindu?

https://www.thehindu.com/opinion/lead/reimagining-the-niti-aayog/article28118992.ece - In this article, I did not understand what "conditionalities" meant in the following sentence from the 6th paragraph:

In short, the NITI Aayog should be engaged with the allocation of “transformational” capital in a formulaic manner, complete with incentive-compatible conditionalities.

My understanding is that it means that the organization NITI Aayog should incorporate measures that could be conditionally applied and that could be incentivised. Can someone help me to clarify the meaning?

Solution 1:

It appears to me as if 'conditionalities' is being used here as a fancy term for 'conditions'.

'Incentive-compatible' is being used as an adjective. This adjective suggests perhaps that the conditions should be favourable and offer incentives.