Unable to set SCSS variable to CSS variable?

Consider the following SCSS:

$color-black: #000000;

body {
    --color: $color-black;

When it is compiled with node-sass version 4.7.2, it produces following CSS:

body {
    --color: #000000; 

When I compile the same SCSS with version 4.8.3 or higher, it produces following:

body {
    --color: $color-black; 

What am I missing? I checked release logs, but could not found anything useful. Also, I wonder if this change is genuine why does it have only minor version change? Should it not be a major release?

Also, what is my alternative? Should I use Interpolation?

Solution 1:

Just use string interpolation:

$color-black: #000000;

body {
    --color: #{$color-black};

Apparently the old behaviour is not intended and violated the language specs of SASS:

  • CSS variables mixed with SCSS variables don't emit proper CSS in 4.8+
  • CSS variables aren't properly compiled
  • Assigning SASS variables to CSS Variables (Custom Properties) no longer works

Solution 2:

scss and css

I found a workaround to mapping the scss variables to css variables.

See Terry's answer for better use


// sass variable map 
$colors: (
  color-black: #FFBB00

// loop over each name, color
:root {
  // each item in color map
  @each $name, $color in $colors {
    --#{$name}: #{$color};


:root {
  --color-black: #FFBB00;