How to avoid excessive usage of personal pronoun? [duplicate]

Solution 1:

There are many, many ways to avoid personal pronouns. One is the passive voice, but often there are simply alternative ways of phrasing.

Thank you, #PERSONNAME for contacting me.

  • Thank you, #PERSONNAME, for your enquiry.
  • Thank you, #PERSONNAME, for getting in touch.
  • Thank you, #PERSONNAME, for considering this firm/company/business

I don't know of anyone at the moment who meets your needs

  • There is nobody on our books who currently meets your needs
  • None of the current list of job-seekers quite fit the bill

but my contacts may be able to suggest someone who does

  • but enquiries may well turn up a good match

if I find someone interested in the position I will let you know about it

  • You can expect to hear (from us) as soon as a suitable candidate is found.
  • ... who will promptly be passed on to you.

Since you (or the person saying I, if that is not you) represent a business, one simple way to reduce repetition is to switch between I/my/me and we/our/us. Another, as I have shown, is to refer to the company or to shift the subject to another person/people in the sentence ("There is nobody" rather than "I don't know of anybody"). Switching between several of these different options, while still occasionally saying I, will be better than simply alternating between I and we (which would risk looking artificial and strained).

Solution 2:

The easiest way to avoid the thicket of I's here is to let the other people or objects in your message shoulder the burden of some of the action. You can clear out two instances of I simply by shifting responsibility for some of the action in the third sentence of your example from yourself to your contacts. And since the second sentence "I do appreciate that you did it" merely reiterates the thanks that you expressed in the first sentence, you can delete it altogether. That leaves you with a tidier message that also contains three fewer instances of I:

Thank you, #PERSONNAME for contacting me. I don't know of anyone at the moment who meets your needs, but my contacts may be able to suggest someone who does and who is interested in the position. If so, I will let you know.

A similar strategy should work in many other instances where I crops up too frequently for comfort.

Solution 3:

The original text contained a lot of clutter.

I've simplified it as much as I can — partly by reorganizing it, partly by making substitutions that remove one unnecessary repetition of contact(s) and two of know. I've also eliminated me and reduced the counts of I and my to 2 and 1 respectively.

Thank you for getting in touch, #PERSONNAME. Currently, I don't know anyone who might be interested in the position, but will ask my contacts whether they do; if the answer is yes, I'll relay you the details.