Get page count from multiple word documents by selecting them in a folder?

Solution 1:

Hopefully this will enlighten you a little further than the rather brief answer provided by another user.

Simple answer: no.

Detailed answer: A MS Word document only has "pages" once it is generated (i.e. opened). The main reason for this is to do with the page size. For example: if you have three documents under scrutiny, formatted to sizes A5, A4 & A3 respectively, then to count the number of pages collectively would be practically impossible to display in a simple, logical / coherent format.

The only potential way around this is to write some custom software which opens each desired document one after the other, logs the page sizes of each respective document, and then counts the number of pages within each page size category and logs it before closing each document and proceeding to the next.

Hopefully this will be of help to you.

Many thanks.


Adam's response (Nov 22 '12 at 15:08) is also somewhat correct and I feel that I should elaborate on my answer; Word does store a page count for some document types, but not all, as Adam quite rightly states. I chose to treat this factor as an 'all or nothing' property; either it stores a page count for all document types, or none at all. Hence why if you extract the page count property from each document, it may result in incorrect / inaccurate data due to particular file types not being read. This is why my suggestion of custom software would be the best overall option as the data can become stale or inaccurate and not always reflect the facts. This is why it is better to consider Word as not storing any page number properties rather than just some.

I hope this also helps?