Using two ISP connections simultaneously to add stability in Linux
I have two internet connection from two different ISP. ADSL on eth0 and 4G on wlan0. Is there any way that if one ISP fails, the other take over automatically without a physical router and by Host OS (Ubuntu 18.04)?
I have never personally tried to do this from the host OS. But after a back and forth, I decided to dig around on the internet to see if I could find what you are looking for.
I found an example script for gateway fail-over at created by the user "Apsu". you can download the bash script here.
You will have to modify this to your specific setup, add your interface names, gateway addresses & you should be good to go.
Script for the Host OS:
# Set defaults if not provided by environment
# Compare arg with current default gateway interface for route to healthcheck IP
gateway_if() {
[[ "$1" = "$(ip r g "$CHECK_IP" | sed -rn 's/^.*dev ([^ ]*).*$/\1/p')" ]]
# Cycle healthcheck continuously with specified delay
while sleep "$CHECK_DELAY"
# If healthcheck succeeds from primary interface
if ping -I "$PRIMARY_IF" -c1 "$CHECK_IP" &>/dev/null
# Are we using the backup?
if gateway_if "$BACKUP_IF"
then # Switch to primary
ip r d default via "$BACKUP_GW" dev "$BACKUP_IF"
ip r a default via "$PRIMARY_GW" dev "$PRIMARY_IF"
# Are we using the primary?
if gateway_if "$PRIMARY_IF"
then # Switch to backup
ip r d default via "$PRIMARY_GW" dev "$PRIMARY_IF"
ip r a default via "$BACKUP_GW" dev "$BACKUP_IF"
With network hardware:
There are considerable advantages to using a router for this function, as opposed to just fail-over from the host OS. What immediately comes to mind is using both connections bandwidth simultaneously. (Fully utilizing both ISP connections)
You can use PFsense / OpenSense as a dual WAN router. (Most old PC hardware will work.) I believe DD-WRT supported routers are also capable of WAN fail-over with some tweaking. Or you could go with an out of the box solution, like Sophos or Netgear prosafe, I am sure there are others, But most out of the box solutions are more expensive than home users are willing to pay for. A dual wan router setup allows you to increase your internet bandwidth. You can load balance traffic for your specific needs. You can get internet connection redundancy and fail-over.