So, I have a friend who has a flash drive that was playing music on a dvd player. Everything was great then all of a sudden it just stopped. First, I tried to do some data recovery on it but the software i use couldn't find the USB. The usb was sending us the usual error not formatted messages.

I then did a quick format of it and now it only shows 4 megabytes of space. I tried using Disk manager, then DISKPART, but nothing i have tried works.

Disk Managment looks like this:

enter image description here

As you can see it doesn't even show the unallocated space. It doesn't look like it is anything but a 4 mega byte flash drive.

Is it still possible to, at the very least, resurrect the USB?

Solution 1:

Update: Now that we have a screenshot with the relevant information:

  • The USB pendrive is either defect (most likely).
  • Or someone reprogrammed it to show itself as 4MB.

The last is technically possible, but unless you have been playing with a HPA, reprogramming the pen drives controller (e.g. in order to prevent it from being detected as removeable in windows which triggers some 'single partition only on removables' bug. However while these are theoretically possible the almost certain conclusion is that it is dead.

Buy a new pendrive and restore contents from your backups.