Is it possible to disable the title bar on metro apps in Windows 8.1 Update?

I find the title bar a bit annoying when using the mouse in Internet Explorer. Many website have their navigation at the top, after all.

Solution 1:

You could press the SHIFT key to hide the title bar once it appeared to lower this annoying.

Solution 2:

You can use ModernMix's setting (under Advanced) "Hide Windows 8.1 Update 1 fullscreen app titlebar".

Side effects to installing ModernMix:

  • By default, ModernMix makes some other tweaks related to running Metro apps in Desktop windows, which you can change in General

  • App previews in the Win + Tab sidebar seem worse (totally black, etc.)

  • Switching apps through Win + Tab doesn't have animations

ModernMix has a (free) 30-day evaluation trial and costs $5 for unlimited use.