How do you make a Win10 Quick Access link to a symlink without it translating it to the original directory?
- Create SymLink:
C:\Data\workspaces --> C:\Users\****\Documents\workspaces
- Navigate to C:\Data\Workspaces in explorer
- Click and drag the the path from the address bar onto "Quick Access" in the navigation pane.
Expected Result:
- Clicking on the shortcut takes you to
Actual Result:
- Clicking on the shortcut takes you to
How do you make it so that the shortcut points to the correct path. (the SymLink)
Command Used to create the SymLink:
mklink /D C:\Data\workspaces C:\Users\****\Documents\workspaces
Updated with pictures:
Please note the workspaces symlink inside C:\Data:
When I double-click on the symlink it works correctly. (note the address bar.
When i pin it to the Quick access bar, however, it uses the address that the symlink points to and NOT the symlink address.
To prevent a symbolic link from being translated, you have to trick Windows by first pinning a regular folder to Quick Access, and then replacing it with a symbolic link.
mkdir symlink
then pin this to quick access using File explorer
rmdir symlink
mklink /d symlink "\\host\path\to\directory"
Partly copied from my blog: