PlayOnLinux won't start

When I click on the icon nothing happens. In the terminal when I run playonlinux I get the following.

ImportError: No module named wxversion
Looking for python... 2.7.7 - selected
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 31, in <module>
    import wxversion
ImportError: No module named wxversion

Solution 1:

You probably need to install wxpython. Use the following command:

$ sudo apt-get install python-wxgtk2.8

Solution 2:

If you have installed any python versions from source , then also you can face this problem.


Follow these instructions and things should work out:

Open a terminal Ctrl+Alt+T(Open Applications menu, Accessories, Terminal). Run sudo nautilus (no quotes), giving your password when prompted.

Using the file browser that opens, navigate to /usr/local/bin/

Delete the file called python

Go to /usr/bin/

Right-click the file called 'python' and click copy. Paste it into /usr/local/bin/

Go back to '/usr/bin/' and copy 'python2.6' and paste it into /usr/local/bin/

Do the same with the file called python2.6-config

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