Should I say 'a consequent result' or 'a consequential result'?

My doubt is between this:

The damage is a consequent result of the conflict

And this:

The damage is a consequential result of the conflict

I've found several references to this on the web, but haven't been able to decide which one is better in this context.

Thank you!

The answer is: it depends what you mean!

Let's look at the definitions for (adjectives) consequent and consequential (both from Collins via


  1. following as an effect or result
  2. following as a logical conclusion or by rational argument
  3. (Physical Geography) (of a river) flowing in the direction of the original slope of the land or dip of the strata

And the other:


  1. important or significant
  2. self-important; conceited
  3. following as a consequence; resultant, esp indirectly: consequential loss.

So, in your example, if you think that the damage is particularly important, use consequential. If, on the other hand, the damage simply followed on as a result of the conflict, then use consequent.