Same is mainly slang for "me too/I feel the same". @Jermey was right about bc, it's an abbreviation for because.

In this instance, I believe it's mostly a rhetorical question asked to a friend when you already know their answer. Alternatively, you could just saying that you don't really care, that you're agreeing with whatever your friend says/decides.

For example: Do you want a lake house? Bc same. | Would you tap that? Bc same. | Do you want to go? Bc same.

Usually it's just statements in this form though: A: I'm so hungry. B: Same.

There are three new things going on here, 'bc' and 'same'.

  • 'bc' is a textspeak abbreviation for 'because'.
  • 'same' is a textspeak abbreviation of 'same here' or 'The same situation holds for me too'. An example of dialog:

    A: "I am hungry."

    B: "Same."

    meaning the second person is stating that they are hungry too.

  • 'because X' is a new slang pattern of speaking. Normally 'because' takes a full sentence. This new pattern treats it as a preposition and X as a noun phrase (even if it is not). It could be transformed into the usual pattern by saying 'because of X' or 'because X is the case'. For example:

    A: Why do politicians make laws supporting corporations instead of individuals?

    B: Because money.

    meaning that politicians do somethings for their own personal money rather than the right thing.

    'Because of X' is the idiomatic way, but 'because X' is a new slang way of saying (or more likely, writing it).