not sure where I should be posting this but:

In the last few weeks, chrome has developed an intermittant problem of not allowing me to scroll using my laptop's touchpad. The mouse works in chrome during this, the touchpad scrolls as it should in every other program. If I kill all chrome processes and restart it, it will continue to work fine for a while and then inexplicably stop some time later.

Having played with the touch/scroll settings in chrome://flags, I know it isn't affected by those options.

My system:

Windows 10 (anniversary version 1607)

Surface Book

Any ideas? Any one else experiencing this?


Moved from comments-

Do you have Kaspersky antivirus installed? There is anecdotal evidence that removing KAV will resolve the issue.

As a workaround, try clicking the settings () button in the top-right of Chrome, navigating to the nested bookmarks menu, and scrolling that listing with your mouse wheel.

That fixes touchpad scrolling / zooming within the rest of the browser for me.