Is it possible to install git on windows without also installing git bash?

Now that bash is available on windows I'd prefer to use that and not have so many shells lying around.

Is that even a recommended/possible approach? Or should I just install git bash anyway?

The Windows Git installer does have some configuration options; though, I do not remember if the bash shell is one of the optional parts. That said, there is no reason why you have to use the bash shell for git. You can run git commands from cmd as well as PowerShell.

There is a nice add-in component for enhancing PowerShell with git integration. I do all of my git interaction from PowerShell. I have never opened up the bash shell, assuming that it was even installed with git.

You can download the a MinGit-*.zip from the releases page of the official github repository (git-for-windows/git). Unzip the folder and add only the cmd\ subdirectory to PATH.

I automated the process, have a look at this Powershell Script:

It automatically fetches the latest version and places it into AppData\Local