Antonym of "insightful"

What is the antonym of insightful? I want to say that the information provided is not insightful. I searched in various dictionaries. The most common antonym is unperceptive, but that does not exactly carry the meaning of un-insightful.

Solution 1:

You could use obvious or pedestrian to imply that any old Joe off the street could have thought up the same thing. Obvious is the word the US Patent Office uses to indicate that an idea isn't original or creative enough to be patentable.

For someone who flat out doesn't come up with much in the way of ideas at all, the term used the most is probably unimaginative.

Solution 2:

Obtuse - lacking in sharpness or quickness of sensibility and intellect.

Solution 3:

How about ...

The information provided was unimaginative.


The information provided was shallow.


The information provided was trite.

or go with a negation like this ...

The information provided was less piercing and insightful than trite and unimaginative.