Synonym for "final" or antonym for "draft"

I'm hitting a problem where we're using forms of the word final with three different meanings:

  1. Final evaluation, as opposed to midterm evaluation
  2. Final version, as opposed to draft version
  3. Finalizing (where an administrator reviews a final version of a final evaluation and approves it for viewing by the evaluatee)

Where this becomes really confusing is when I want to tell the evaluator that he needs to save his evaluation as a final version, not a draft version, before it will be submitted for finalization. (If it matters, this is a change from how it worked previously: they used to have to keep the evaluations as drafts, and the administrator would do both the saving-as-final-version and finalizing. Yes, it was even more confusing.)

Usage 1 is a term of art, so I kind of have to stick with it. For usage 3, I can come up with sorta-acceptable substitutes like review or approval. But I'm totally stuck on usage 2. I can't find any antonyms for this meaning of draft, and none of the synonyms for final seem unambiguous enough to use on a submit button. (The buttons currently say "Save Final" and "Save Draft".) Help?

Context: this is part of an online evaluation system, i.e. html forms in a web browser. The process, roughly:

  1. At the end of the semester (or trimester or quarter), the teacher is notified that final evaluations are due. This use of "final" is an established term of art which I can't change.
  2. The teacher fills out the evaluation form. If he can't finish in one sitting, he can save a draft and come back to it later.
  3. After the teacher is satisfied with his evaluation, he saves a non-draft version. This is where I'm looking for a word that isn't "final".
  4. At some point after most of the finals have been submitted, an administrator reviews them, possibly changes some final grades (mostly situations where a student didn't complete something that is outside of the teacher's purview), then finalizes them. This part could also use some better vocabulary.
  5. After step 4 has been completed, and not at any point before, the evaluated student can look at her final evaluation to see how she did.

Solution 1:

  1. At the end of the semester (or trimester or quarter), the teacher is notified that final evaluations are due. This use of "final" is an established term of art which I can't change.
  2. The teacher fills out the evaluation form. If he can't finish in one sitting, he can save a draft and come back to it later.
  3. After the teacher is satisfied with his evaluation, he saves a non-draft version. This is where I'm looking for a word that isn't "final".

Save your "Completed Final Evaluation"

  1. At some point after most of the finals have been submitted, an administrator reviews them, possibly changes some final grades (mostly situations where a student didn't complete something that is outside of the teacher's purview), then finalizes them. This part could also use some better vocabulary.

Save your "Approved Final Evaluation"

  1. After step 4 has been completed, and not at any point before, the evaluated student can look at her final evaluation to see how she did.

"Released or Official Final Evaluation" or preferably "Final Evaluation" since in other states it is either in Draft, Completed, or Approved states. Without those qualifiers it is simply the Final Evaluation...

Solution 2:

How about:

  1. Draft
  2. Pre-approval
  3. Approved

(I suggest you avoid using Approval and Approved together because they are visually similar.)

If there are functional differences at different stages of the workflow, you could describe the document in those terms. This helps the user understand what's going on. E.g.:

  1. Editable
  2. Locked
  3. Approved