"Swim teacher" or "swimming teacher"

Solution 1:

I am surprised that your girlfriend finds "swim teacher" more natural: In my (also UK) idiolect it is impossible.

"X teacher" (meaning "teacher of X"), X is usually (I would have said always) a noun, and nearly always an uncountable abstract: swimming, physics, calligraphy, elocution, French, carpentry, driving. The cases I can think of where it is countable are musical instruments (violin, piano), but in these cases you can paraphrase as "teacher of the piano", where "the piano" is a sort of universal, and hence again uncountable even though it "piano" is normally countable.

"Swim" as a noun is countable (even if the plural is rather rare), meaning "single event of swimming", and so does not fit into the pattern for me.

Solution 2:

Ngram using American English ... agrees with you.



To be sure, here in America we probably prefer "flight instructor" to "flying instructor" or something. "Speech teacher" preferred to "speaking teacher".