"Extremely appreciate": grammatically correct?

I've seen the word Extremely used to modify adjectives. Would it also be correct to use it to modify verbs? For example, "extremely appreciate", or "extremely enjoy".

Thank you.

Extremely is an adverb. Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives and various types of phrases. So according to this rule, you could say.

I appreciated your hospitality extremely.

This is still awkward. I'd say,

I appreciated your hospitality very much.


I very much appreciated your hospitality.

For me no, and it's not really grammatical so much as usage - you're modifying a modifier (the best greatest, the most awesome, the extreme edge).

What is the word there for other than as hyperbole? Good for comedic effect or parody perhaps, but not in simple daily discourse.

The common phrase is "greatly appreciate".