What is the meaning of "If the way Thou choosest, Lead to pain and loss"?

What is the meaning of "If the way Thou choosest, Lead to pain and loss"? How would you put it in modern English?

It is a verse from Margaret E. Barber's song "The Path I Travel." The whole context is:

If the path I travel Lead me to the Cross,
If the way Thou choosest, Lead to pain and loss,
Let the compensation Daily, hourly, be
Shadowless communion, Blessed Lord with Thee.

It means

If the way You (God) chooses (for the author) leads to pain and loss

I suppose that "choosest" is an ancient way to express the past, so I would translate it as "chose" (IInd voice of the paradigm) in modern English. So the construction probably is: "If the way You chose, led to pain and loss".