What's the meaning & origin of the word "Stretherism?"

Solution 1:

After taking a look online, the only references to the word "Stretherism" appear to be those of Camille Paglia and there are only a few of them. I would have to conclude that she coined the term for lack of a better word.

There are several, often long winded, critical reviews or summaries of Henry James' "The Ambassadors" where Lewis Lambert Strether is the name of the main character. From what I gather, the character is a very reserved, stilted, and opinionate individual that would be considered sexually conservative at the very least. Any connections between this conservative perspective of the Strether character (sexual or otherwise) and the characteristics of "Stretherism" proposed by Paglia are unclear to me. I am unfamiliar with any detail of the works of either author.

Below are a couple of links that might summarize things briefly enough for you to be able to form your own conclusions about what can possibly be implied in the term "Stretherism".

