Early morning study

Lucubration is the act of intensely studying late into the night (historically, by candlelight). What would a similar word be for studying early in the morning?

E.g. I woke up before the sun rose for some quality [word]. After all, the early bird gets the worm.

Since lucubration is already an uncommon word, why not try matins. They originally referred to a morning church service, but in literary use they have been generalized to refer to an early morning task or occupation. Here's the quotes for the Oxford English Dictionary entry:

1641 Milton Reason Church-govt. 36 These and such like lessons as these, I know would have been my Matins duly, and my Even-song.

1814 Wordsworth Excursion ii. 58 The music and the sprightly scene Invite us; shall we quit our road, and join These festive matins ?