Person/Group that claims all the work but can't deliver because they are overloaded

If I am not wrong, then you have requested an expression for a ventripotent coveter(s) who avowed to discharge all the work they(he) voluntarily requested to accomplished. But, now they(he) are(is) sitting in the stockpile of work and can't deliver due to their inefficiency. I regret, that I don't have a word or a phrase for this situation. Though, I have suggested three idioms, if you may prefer.

NOTE: Initially, I thought-out a word Sisyphean and I thought to share it with you. According to Oxford dictionary, it means: Denoting a task that can never be completed and a person/group doing such task can be called Sisyphus. But unfortunately, Greek mythology does not allow us to use Sisyphus for the situation you have described. Sisyphean task, according to mythology is a repetitive and never ending task. But, somehow Oxford Dictionary uses Sisyphean in a liberal sense. So, if we go with the flow, then, Sisyphus can be used for the person who does a task that can never be completed. It doesn't say anything about the task was alloted to them or they(he) vowed to do it by themselves(himself). But, according to Greek mythology it was a curse by God to Sisyphus. So, yes it was a given repetitive task by God to Sisyphus.

I can recall few idioms for this situation. Those three idioms are:

1) bite off more than they can chew: (Source: )

  1. try to do more than one is able to do
  2. undertake a promise one cannot accomplish
  3. accomplish attempt to do something which is hardly achievable
  4. to start or promise something to do more than one can accomplish

2) eyes are bigger than one's stomach: (Source: Merriam-Webster)

(used to say) that someone has taken more food than he or she can possibly eat

3) thou art like the Epicure, whose belly is sooner filled than his eye:

Explained beautifully by John Lyly in the book Euphues: the Anatomy of Wit' and 'Euphues and His England