What do you call a person that holds sensitive information?

All I have so far, is a pseudo-antonym of what I actually want: Obscurantist. The word I need should be a person who was unwillingly plagued with sensitive information. It is more of a - I don't how to describe it - pitiful connotation. (To me, "infobearer" should work, allowing for the fact that such a word does not exist...)

For example, take Bob, who accidentally got himself exposed to top secret information of some organization. And now people are after him. He is a _____?

I need a single-word noun, not an adjective.

Edit: would secret-keeper or secret-holder do the trick?

Solution 1:

I think "informant", "confidant" and "source" all seem relevant to your word search, but you probably would want to qualify them with an adjective tailored to the exact description and meaning that you want to relate. Your example suggests both "hapless"(pitiable sense) or "beleaguered"(plagued sense) might work for you.

For example, take Bob, who accidentally got himself exposed to top secret information of some organization. And now people are after him. He is a beleaguered informant to this day.

For example, take Bob, who accidentally got himself exposed to top secret information of some organization. And now people are after him. He is now a hapless source with no place to hide?

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Informant https://www.thefreedictionary.com/confidant https://www.thefreedictionary.com/source