Adding mods to Minecraft on Ubuntu 14.04

So I have learned that there are no longer any bin folders or .minecraft folders on in the versions of minecraft 1.6 or higher. I still want to add mods though. Is there a way to add the mods of my choice without using Magic Launcher or the bin folder (since it doesn't exist)? All help is appreciated. Thank you :)

Solution 1:

There is a .minecraft folder, it's just hidden.

Everything that starts with a dot is hidden in Ubuntu (or any other Linux/UNIX OS).

To get in this folder:

  1. Open your file manager
  2. Click on Home
  3. Press CTRL + H
  4. Search for .minecraft and open it
  5. Press CTRL + H again to hide hidden files and folders

However there is no minecraft.jar anymore. You can now install multiple versions of Minecraft at the same time, so JARs have moved to versions/1.7.9/1.7.9 for example.