How to mount a windows drive in ubuntu

We have a Windows Dell Server with a corrupt RAID array. We ran Ubuntu from a USB stick and managed to copy some files from the C drive, but the D drive (DATA) we cant mount or access, I guess its to corrupt to do that, but are there any way to come around this problem , we are not precisely Ubuntu experts, we just are trying to save a couple of files that where locked in the previous back up. Any help is very appreciated!

Solution 1:

Check the name of the partition:

sudo fdisk -l

If the name of the windows ntfs partition is for example sda3:

sudo mkdir /media/OS 
sudo mount -t ntfs -o nls=utf8,umask=0222 /dev/sda3 /media/OS

Solution 2:

For Ubuntu 18.10:

  1. First install cifs-utils using:

    sudo apt-get install cifs-utils
  2. Now run following command:

    sudo mount -t cifs // /mnt -o username=testuser,vers=1.0

    Here, my source (to be mounted) is - // and destination (where it is to be mounted) is /mnt (system provided mounting point).
    testuser is a username which has access to windows network drive. And last but very crucial vers=1.0. For someone vers=2.0 or vers=3.0 also work as per system stack.