Is there a single word that can describe something that breathes/produces fire?

I'm looking for a word that I can use to describe something that "breathes" (out) fire. If there is no such word, I can create it myself, much like Stephen King created Pyrokinesis.

Is there such a word?

To clarify: I am using the word as an adjective, and as part of a description in a document related to a novel I'm writing (sci-fi). So, for example:

Blablablabus Blabladens

Size: 2feet
Height: 1foot
Social Structure: antisocial
Notes: bla, bla bla.
Diet: bla.
Special Features: bla bla bla bla.
Pyrogenetic(?) Abilities: Breathes fire using blablabla organ.

See where I use Pyrogenetic? That's where I want to use the word. However, I'm not sure what word would be correct, and I don't want to use "Fire-breathing" if I don't have to.

After some deliberation and the highest voted answer so far:

I decided to create my own word(s): Ignigenesis/(Ignigenic).

Solution 1:

The only "real" adjective that describes something that breathes fire is fire-breathing. This isn't a common word, but then again, fire-breathing objects aren't all that common either.

If you want to make up a word, the Latin for fire-breathing is ignirespiratory. As FumbleFingers notes in a comment, pyrorespiration has been used before (9 results on Google), so you might want to give that a look. (It mixes Greek and Latin, but that's not too big an issue - look at television.) has an entry for the obsolete ignivomous, which means vomiting fire.

Solution 2:

If you want the best possible word, I suggest that it not be a Greek-Latin hybrid, especially since there are so many correctly formed pure options that are perfectly fine.

There are igniferous, flammigerous, flammiferous, flammivomous, all actual English words, the first three roughly meaning "fire-bringing/causing/producing". The fourth ("flame-spewing") would be the most precise.

You could also name your category by a noun, like igni-/flammipotency, "power by fire" and replace the entire phrase Pyrogenetic(?) Abilities with it. Or you could use the adjective, igni-/flammipotent, "powerful by fire"; these words are based on actual Latin words with the same meaning but do not exist as English words (yet).

I'd generally prefer some compound with flamm-, because that has more connotations of active, flowing flames, as opposed to igni-, which is perhaps a slightly more static fire.

Based on Greek, you could use pyropneumatic ("breathing fire") which does not exist yet but would be correctly formed. The existing English word pyrogenetic ("capable of creating fire") is usually used for inflammable materials, but it would do well here too.