options for [for /f "usebackq" %%f in (`find "" path`) do] sentence in batch
Solution 1:
Here, only the last match is selected because res
is overwritten each time. This will save all the matches delimiting them with space:
@echo off & setlocal enabledelayedexpansion & set "fruits="
for /f ^tokens^=^* %%a in ('type list.txt ^| find "a"') do set "fruits=!fruits! %%a"
set "fruits=!fruits:~1!
Now echo !fruits!
will give apple pear mango
If you want to get first two matches use this:
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims= " %%a in ("!fruits!") do echo %%a %%b
will give apple pear
and to save it in fruits use do set "fruits=%%a %%b"
. You can modify tokens
to select the words delimited by space.
Solution 2:
@Echo off
<con: CD /d "%~dp0" && Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /f %%i in (list.txt)do echo\%%i|find "a" >nul && (
set /a "_cnt+=1+0" && call set "_res_!_cnt!=%%~i" )
for /l %%L in (1 1 !_cnt!)do echo\_res_%%L==!_res_%%L!
- Output:
You can use a for /f
loop and an echo\"a"|find "a"
if "a", is found, the operator &&
will continue, and a counter will be used to define a variable_counter_actual=current_occurrence
, so that you can make use of any occurs between 1st and last.
For usage example, you have the output of the for /l
loop, which will list all occurrences starting at 1, following from 1 in 1 to the total (!_cnt!), each !_res_%%L!
- For only the first two occurrences:
for /l %%L in (1 1 2)do echo\_res_%%L==!_res_%%L!
- Use only the occurrences you want, for example 1st and 3rd:
for %%L in (1,3)do echo\_res_%%L==!_res_%%L!
- Or, simply use: