Windows 7 is taking too long to boot and to open profile

My only recommendation, based on our conversation in the comments, is to roll back to before the CCleaner installation using System Restore.

Download Autoruns from Microsoft:

Instruct it to hide all core operating system items (Options -> Hide Windows Entries): alt text

Starting with the Logon tab, decide which programs you want to start with Windows. There's only going to be 3 or 4 that you actually use; uncheck the rest. alt text

Next visit the Services tab, where you'll see all the services that you don't need.

Note: Don't "uncheck" services, but instead use use Computer Management to change their startup from Automatic to Manual

alt text

Note: You'll see other services by Microsoft. In step 1 you hid services that are part of the operating system. These are different from services not part of Windows: such as services written by Apple, nVidia, and Microsoft. If it's a core Windows service, you leave it alone. If it's a non-Windows service, it's fair game for manual startup.

Additionally, all real-time virus checking software kills performance of any computer. Turn off real-time scanning, file scanning, network scanning, proxying, e-mail proxying, etc. If you feel as though you engage in risky enough behavior to need a virus scanner: schedule a scan for when you're not using your computer.

Short version: Get rid of junk. Windows runs fine, 3rd party baggage slows it down.

dude, u hav too many start up services running. disable the services like MS office 2010..all, java, fastone, hp media smart tv, tv taskschedular, and ,many more............