What noun describes a redundant phrase like "temporary pause"?

Solution 1:

The 75 cent word you are looking for is


the use of more words than are necessary.

Solution 2:

It's an example of tautology

(Linguistics / Grammar) use of words that merely repeat elements of the meaning already conveyed, as in the sentence Will these supplies be adequate enough? in place of Will these supplies be adequate?

It's also redundancy, but that word has many other meanings beyond this specific sense. And pleonasm - far less common overall, and often occurs as pleonastic (referring to longer texts, or to people who habitually write in this way).

Solution 3:

I would just call it a redundancy. According to Dictionary.com:

2. superfluous repetition or overlapping, especially of words.

Solution 4:

Not exactly what you're looking for, but turgid can be used to describe language that is unnecessarily complex or bloated.