Term for "pretending outrage to escape a conversation" [closed]

I'm looking for a term that describes when a person is pretending to be offended in order to end a confrontation. The key here is that the offense is perceived only because the person wishes to use it as leverage to leave the discussion.

Below is a poor example, but it's the best generic one I can come up with:

A: [Does action].

B: I think it's mean when you do [action].

A: You called me mean! We're done here.

"Feigned indignation" is a phrase that can describe this situation. It clarifies that the offended individual is only making a show of being offended, and doesn't truly feel hurt.

(This is where it differs from "took umbrage" which connotes that the individual actually had those feelings, and isn't just pretending.)

Feigned means pretend or fictitious. Indignation means strong displeasure at something considered unjust, offensive, or insulting.

rage-quit or ragequit dictionary.com and oxford

to angrily abandon an activity or situation that has become frustrating

credit @mitch