What is the correct word for a person whom I am interacting with?

I need to program computer agents that interact with each other (for example they play a computer game with each other). Sometimes it happens that two agents are interacting with each other. I need to find a word to describe who they are to each other. I have the following options:

  1. opponent
  2. companion
  3. partner

My main requirement is that the word should be neutral (since the interaction can be of different kinds: cooperation, competition, fight). I am afraid that opponent is a bit "negative" (in the sense that it assumes that two agents are enemies, that they are fighting). Partner, in contrast, seems to be positive to me (assuming that agents cooperate with each other). What about companion? Or may be you can propose other words?

Solution 1:

Companion also suggests friendship. This is tricky as the agents will have the possibility of being in 2 opposite situations.

Perhaps peer or contender?

I'm not sure where you'll be using the word, but of course if you're using it in the program you can simply code it so the word changes depending on the situation; a simple IF statement.

Solution 2:

Maybe “interlocutor”, which NOAD defines as “a person who takes part in a dialogue or conversation”, depending on the type of interaction they are having.

Otherwise, if they do not really speak to each other, but play in the same team, you could use “teammate” (but that's strongly positive). If they are just playing together, then “fellow player” might fit the bill.