Google chrome proxy authentication dialogue timeout

I am on a network that uses LDAP proxy for authentication based on a username and password.

Whenever I start Google Chrome, it pops up with a proxy authentication dialogue, but the dialogue disappears automatically after variable amount of time (sometimes it stays for 5 seconds some times less than 1 second). I have found the same issue with Chromium also.

Is there any configuration I can set to control this timeout, or say, auto-authenticate with my authentication details from the shell or DE (Gnome3 on Arch)?

Solution 1:

One of your Chrome extensions is causing this.

Go to chrome://extensions/ and disable each extension until the problem goes away.

For me, the cause was DataJog but it could be any of them for you.

Solution 2:

I've had a similar issue before which I resolved using by passing in the proxy parameters in the shortcut.

get the properties of the shortcut your using to start chrome and append this to the end


Pays to use the IP rather than a hostname, seems to like it better.

If you're still getting the prompt then you might need to pass in your username and password, but that would be a last resort.


Hope that helps¬