This is from the book How to think like a Mathematician,

How can I prove the inequality $$\sqrt[\large 7]{7!} < \sqrt[\large 8]{8!}$$

without complicated calculus? I tried and finally obtained just $$\frac 17 \cdot \ln(7!) < \frac 18 \cdot \ln(8!)$$

Your inequality is equivalent to $$(7!)^8 < (8!)^7$$ divide it by $(7!)^7$, and get $$7! < 8^7$$ and this is clear, since $$1 \cdots 7 < 8 \cdots 8$$

Think of


as the average of seven numbers and


as the average when an eighth number is added. Since the new number is larger than the previous seven, the average must also be larger. (E.g., if you get a better score on your final than on any of your midterms, your grade should go up, not down.)