Split a string into N equal parts? [duplicate]

I have a string I would like to split into N equal parts.

For example, imagine I had a string with length 128 and I want to split it in to 4 chunks of length 32 each; i.e., first 32 chars, then the second 32 and so on.

How can I do this?

Solution 1:

import textwrap
print(textwrap.wrap("123456789", 2))
#prints ['12', '34', '56', '78', '9']

Note: be careful with whitespace etc - this may or may not be what you want.

"""Wrap a single paragraph of text, returning a list of wrapped lines.

    Reformat the single paragraph in 'text' so it fits in lines of no
    more than 'width' columns, and return a list of wrapped lines.  By
    default, tabs in 'text' are expanded with string.expandtabs(), and
    all other whitespace characters (including newline) are converted to
    space.  See TextWrapper class for available keyword args to customize
    wrapping behaviour.

Solution 2:

You may use a simple loop:

parts = [your_string[i:i+n] for i in range(0, len(your_string), n)]

Solution 3:

Another common way of grouping elements into n-length groups:

>>> s = '1234567890'
>>> list(map(''.join, zip(*[iter(s)]*2)))
['12', '34', '56', '78', '90']

This method comes straight from the docs for zip().