Mocking async call in python 3.5

Solution 1:

The solution was actually quite simple: I just needed to convert __call__ method of mock into coroutine:

class AsyncMock(MagicMock):
    async def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return super(AsyncMock, self).__call__(*args, **kwargs)

This works perfectly, when mock is called, code receives native coroutine

Example usage:

@mock.patch('my.path.asyncio.sleep', new_callable=AsyncMock)
def test_stuff(sleep):
    # code

Solution 2:

Everyone's missing what's probably the simplest and clearest solution:

def test(self, mock):
    f = asyncio.Future()
    f.set_result('whatever result you want')
    process_smtp_message.return_value = f
    mock.assert_called_with(1, 2, 3)

remember a coroutine can be thought of as just a function which is guaranteed to return a future which can, in turn be awaited.

Solution 3:

Based on @scolvin answer I created this (imo) cleaner way:

import asyncio

def async_return(result):
    f = asyncio.Future()
    return f

That's it, just use it around whatever return you want to be async, as in

mock = MagicMock(return_value=async_return("Example return"))
await mock()